Friday, April 30, 2010

Hot (mess?)

Only Heidi Klum can look hot all the time.

Regardless of Heidi's activity--walking the runway, buying clothes, mowing the lawn--she always looks great. I am certain that when she wakes up in the morning, she looks good enough to be shot for the cover of any fashion magazine. When Heidi is pregnant (and that seems to be constantly), she somehow looks even more beautiful. Amazing.

However, the rest of us have to deal with the fact that we will not look hot every day. Hotness requires more than good genes--it also means good hair, skin, and body, stylistically cohesive clothing choices, and proper carriage and attitude. It is something that must be pursued daily--one day's achievements or failings have no bearing on the next.

I want to clarify something before you think I am as shallow as a Hills cast member. When I say "hot," I do not mean beautiful. Beauty is something intrinsic to all things that God has created because they reflect His beauty. Hotness is a quality created by the human fashion industry and culture. All people are beautiful and infinitely valuable--however, not all people are hot.

As an alternative to hotness, we have the hot mess. Urban dictionary defines hot mess as a situation "When one's thoughts or appearance are in a state of disarray but they maintain an undeniable attractiveness." The concept of the hot mess has been popularized by pop personalities like Christian Siriano on Project Runway. It is the opposite extreme on the hotness spectrum. Instead of being perfectly put together, a hot mess retains the magnetism despite his or her chaotic appearance or behavior.

To illustrate this concept, let me share my daily routine from past summer. Every day, I rolled out of bed, put on my matching sweatpants and sweatshirt, added a pair of chic black glasses and drove to the swimming. I ate my breakfast of blueberries and oatmeal with Diet Coke and got the cash boxes ready for the day. My sleep and caffeine-deprived brain buzzed at a low frequency and my poor early morning motor control caused me to knock things over a lot. I was a mess--the attention to detail and appearance made me a hot mess.

Later, after teaching a water aerobics class, I headed home and showered. I put in contacts, added high end cologne and moisturizers, spiked my hair, put on a nice, short swimsuit suit and grabbed my Hospers Swimming Pool zip-up hoodie and aviators. With my spinach and hard-boiled egg salad and iced coffee in my bag, I headed back to work. By the time I arrived at the pool, my brain was high functioning, and I quickly took control of the situation. Hotness achieved.

One star who regularly demonstrates the hot/hot mess paradox is Britney Spears. Britney is consistently hot in her music videos. She looks great, wears the right clothes, and has an appeal rivaled by few. However, in her personal life, Britney is such a hot mess. She pulls up to the KFC drive-through in her perfect SUV and perfect clothing and then gets a tub of chicken to stuff her perfect face. She shaves her head. She attacks paparazzi with designer umbrellas. Hot mess!

Hot is better than hot mess, but hot mess shows that you are at least trying. It is better to shoot for hot and stumble into hot mess than to only achieve the mundane.

Always be hot or a hot mess--never anything in between.


  1. So, I very generally enjoyed your post, and agree with your definition of the hot mess...there is just one little issue I wondered about...

    At one point, you say that "When Heidi is pregnant (and that seems to be constantly), she somehow looks even more beautiful. Amazing." This seems to imply that being beautiful during pregnancy is an exception, rather than the rule, which would mean the majority of women are ugly, or simply not pleasant looking during their pregnancy. I'm wondering if this is something you truly believe? And if so...why you would think this way?

    Is it because of the extra pounds women put on? The stretch marks due to the rapid growth? The way their feet spread? Or because they are little touchy due to rapid hormone changes, painful joints due to the extra weight, and the knowledge they will soon be pushing a bowling ball out of a very sensitive area? Even though when women are pregnant their skin is clearer, their fingernails are stronger, their hair is glossier, and they are creating a new life, I guess the extra 10 to 20 pounds cancels all that out.

    Sorry, this turned into a bit of a rant. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that, but I just thought I inquire to see if that was truly the case. :)

  2. I don't think that women look ugly per se while they are pregnant--in fact, the happy mother's glow often seems to improve their appearance.

    However, swelling, morning sickness, and mood swings take a toll on a woman's appearance. Heidi somehow manages to overcome these things and still look runway ready despite what hormonal changes are going on inside her body. I think that most women would agree that they don't look the best of their life when they are pregnant. They may have great days, but overall pregnancy isn't the time to look super hot.

    However, since I've never been a woman, let alone a pregnant woman, I'm not sure if that is true... Anyone else have an opinion?

  3. Heidi Klum is my girl crush. There I said it.
