Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Caffeine vampire

My caffeine dependency is out of control.

On days like today, when I am really tired, caffeine is the only thing standing between me and unconsciousness. This morning I decided to go to breakfast before the 9:30 AM chapel service. I ignored the disapproving glares of my peers as I filled a glass with Diet Pepsi and another with Vanilla Cream Coffee. My eyes fought to stay open during chapel so I bought an Americano on my way to Latin American Civ at 10:05.

Despite the shot of espresso and two sugars coursing through my blood stream, I still found myself falling asleep every during LA Civ. In hopes of raising my level of alterness, I drank another Diet Pepsi with my lunch. I felt tempted to buy a Starbucks Double Shot this afternoon, but 1:30 PM is too early for shots.

Because of my caffeine addiction, I am highly sympathetic to the plight of the vampire. Like a vampire, I am constantly thinking about how to next get my drink. I cannot fall asleep at night, so I stay up too late and feel nauseous and grouchy at the bright light of morning. When the caffeine hits the receptors in my brain, the clouds are driven away and the shines for a brief moment, transporting me to a higher plain of consciousness. What power.

This past Easter break I decided to see how long I could go without caffeine. To my dismay, I discovered that I am only able to stay awake for about 3-4 hours at a time without caffeine. I literally had to take a nap every 3-4 hours or suffer a major headaches. I think I need rehab. Or a year to sleep.

Starbucks, you own me. You have made me a caffeine vampire.

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